1) The US dollar is a sovereign fiat currency that needs no "funding". In fact, it is deficit spending which "funds" the sale of Treasury bonds. We should consider not selling bonds long before we cut back the only net source of savings (deficit spending by Congress) the economy has.
2) Interest on the debt is another form of net injection of dollars into the private sector and not any more difficult than military spending, which no one ever seems to question in the same context. Given that it is mostly welfare for the investment class we should just stop paying it and let the Fed simply declare the rate it charges banks on reserves.
You are either promoting false information to achieve an agenda or you need to refresh your accounting skills with sectoral balances. The red ink of the currency issuing government is the only net source of black ink of its economy. The "debt" is nothing more than a tracking entity to inform of amount of dollars in circulation, not a mortgage on future productivity.
A balanced budget means clawing back all payments (in taxation) for resources and labor the government used, which is theft in anyone's book. It leaves nothing to provide a store of value for commerce or net savings. It also doesn't provide for retiring of private bank debt, which means highly unstable booms and busts across the business cycle.