2. There will never be nationalized health care
It will happen, one way or another. Either the people will demand it in the next deep recession, or the medical providers will when they are forced to turn away patients they could help in vast numbers. Not all, but most of the people working in healthcare do it out of a desire to help others. It would have happened during the pandemic if our government didn't get out ahead of it by underwriting the expense related to Covid.
That money creation and taking action to deploy resources didn't go unnoticed by a great many people who can make the logical jump from our (relative) success over a pandemic and simply doing it all the time. Everyone who should have gotten paid in the healthcare sector did get paid and any shortcoming of logistics/supplies was "because" the government wasn't more involved before the need.
The entire private sector healthcare system stepped on itself while the government sector proved it is capable of doing things for the people once we get past the "how will you pay for it?" nonsense.
3. There will never be universal basic income.
I wish this was true, but it isn't. Too many progressives have taken up this banner without realizing that it was the brainchild of Milton Friedman and conservatives love it. The right will rant about "socialism" halfheartedly and make a good show of it. However, the oligarchs who tell politicians what to do will make sure that it becomes a reality.
The price we will pay to gain UBI will be the loss of our current safety nets that now set a bottom (as low as that has become over the last three decades) for the working class and poor. We will be told, "Here is your government stipend, now go buy rent, food, insurance, utilities, and fuel without the price anchor of government purchases, and don't bother us again."
Also, kiss goodbye to any chance of wage increases from employers if workers are receiving monthly checks from Treasury. One only has to look at how fast the ruling class could gobble up the little crumbs of support workers during the pandemic to see the future route of UBI.
6. Our country will never be overthrown internally.
Add "again" to this and I would agree. Our country was overthrown following the Powell memo with little fanfare. This gave birth to RayGunomics and the entrenchment of a permanent ruling class that presides over our government and its functionaries.
If the ruling class ever thought their power could be taken from them they would use their wealth to nip any possibility in the bud long before a revolution could be mounted. The only reason Trump and his ignorant band of followers were allowed to get as far as they did was that they support the oligarchy and its cruel form of pseudo capitalism. The one thing America will never run short of is stupid.
8. We will never pay off the national debt.
You should sincerely hope not. It is nothing more than our "net" money supply and the payment we (the private sector) received as reimbursement for the resources and labor our government demanded of us in the past. If it were accurately labeled from "our" perspective, not the government's, it would be the "national savings". Every dollar our government creates (all federal spending) and doesn't claw back via taxation or fees becomes someone's monetary asset in the private sector.
Without sufficient deficit spending, we can't net retire our private bank debt or net save in the government's currency. We also can't grow the economy without constant GDP growth that "rolls over" bank debt - - until it doesn't, as we saw in '07-'09.
Many very well-qualified economists believe that the Clinton surplus budgets contributed heavily to the great recession. The combination of forcing people to use their property as credit cards while sending investors in search of secure storage for their money due to the lack of Treasury bonds put in motion the events that took down our financial system.