Amazon is likely the most misunderstood company in the world. It is actually a large and diverse accumulation of individual companies and small businesses that use the infrastructure of Amazon to market and distribute their products.
While Amazon is well known to compete with its more successful member stakeholders, it also gave those stakeholders an entry point into a global marketplace they never could have achieved on their own. Amazon represents a micro example of the free market and any weaknesses it exposes are inherent in the system as a whole and not the fault of Amazon specifically.
Does Bezos make too much money and use it to threaten our democratic system? Of course he does, as does any such extremely wealthy entity in our economy. However, Bezos and Amazon are "NOT" the same entity and any criticism of him should not automatically transfer to the business. I have friends who have grown their small business into very profitable ventures by using the logistics and market that Amazon offered them. None of those are "evil people", but represent the backbone of our economy and should not be aggregated with Bezos out of econ illiteracy.