Another good one Keith! I am really curious about your background & training. If, like myself & others, you are self trained, impressive indeed!
I abandoned the education system when I realized that the best I could expect from it was training from someone who was, at least, 8yrs behind the curve. If I wanted to study history I would have made it my major. The world shifted into overdrive the day the first transistor radio landed in the US, which was about the time I was thinking of career choices.
I studied mostly engineering and managed to fool some high level execs along the way, including a few in government/defense, of my abilities. This landed me some consulting positions and a management job or two when needed.
My interest in econ came from the desire to save what is left of our planet and running into "how will you pay for it" at every turn. The absurdity of such a question led me to believe something was wrong with the perceived foundation of our monetary system so I did a deep dive into the processes.
My research led me to a few MMT economists who took the time to dispel any misconceptions I had about federal finance. Once I had a blank canvass to start with it all fell into place without manipulation of the reality. You might notice I don't do graphs and formulas and speak to the underlying logic instead. If something make my eyes glaze over I can only assume the same for readers.