It’s almost like we want to make banking a public utility rather than a private profit center.
Article 1: Section 8 of the Constitution made the currency a public utility that is available at no cost to Congress in its efforts to organize the society around a common currency denomination. Taxation serves that purpose, as long as more currency is distributed than is required in taxes, by making everyone unemployed in terms of their tax obligation. Should Congress actually “balance” its budget, it leaves nothing in the economy to compensate the private sector for resources and labor utilized by the government or to serve as a store of value in commerce to fund growth.
The people may not fully understand why they are losing ground, but they will know something is amiss and will retaliate against their government politically. Sadly, their anger has been hijacked and turned against their best interest by the very people causing their grief. As long as they remain deluded into thinking that the monopoly issuer of the nation’s currency must use the same rules and logic they use in their household budget they will believe that “THEY” fund their government with their taxes and will resent every dollar it spends, not understanding that their government’s deficit is the only net source of currency they have.
By simply complying with the misinformed wishes of the people they can be kept at the lowest level of Maslow’s pyramid where they remain only pawns with no higher purpose than daily provisioning. They cannot break free of the hold feudalism has on them and become the deciders of their own destinies. Even more sadly, they think of this system, capitalism, as freedom. Most Americans use their democratic process to tighten their chains a notch at a time instead of demanding their birthright ownership of the resources and using their labor for their own advancement.
Every American should watch Hunger Games again, but from the perspective of it being a documentary brought back from a not so distant future.