As an old boomer who still carries many scars from my ’60s protesting and activism, I can easily relate to Bernie and his policies. I see him as the only “American” choice we have been given since President Carter and our last hope to save what is left of meaning in that word. It has been largely besmirched and tarnished to the point where I fear the rest of the world turning on us to save themselves from us and our deadly brand of neoliberal capitalism.
Much of the damage done to our great nation has been at the hands of the Clintons and the DNC, and that influence is still very much alive and well inside the establishment leadership. Her price for endorsing President Obama in ’08 was extremely high and we are still discovering just how high. We can only hope they tamp the ground well when she is buried or she will keep bouncing back to create her signature chaos and corruption. Her fingerprints are very visible on the current DNC.