As long as the "little people" (voters) can be deceived into thinking that these miscreant parasites are "job creators" and the "source" of wages we will have daily outrages to endure at their hands and our society will steadily decline back into feudalism where the "masters of the universe" feel most comfortable.
On the other hand, if the people can be properly educated concerning the role their "democratically elected" representatives play in their economy we may see a resurgence in the guillotine market that never should have went away to begin with. There is nothing I can think of to keep politicians honest that would surpass them seeing heads on pikes as the come and go to and from their offices.
There is only one source of US dollars, and that is the Congress that continually states we can't "afford" much of the far superior lifestyle and benefits other nations enjoy unless we can get the wealthy to "fund" it This is completely ass-backward to the economic reality of a sovereign fiat currency and the government that issues it. The reality is that "ANY" suffering that can be mitigated by issuing US dollars is a conscious political decision made by those politicians, not anything remotely connected to economics.