Canada takes far too many cues from the US in its budget priorities. Of course, if it didn’t it would likely be crushed economically or invaded. It is doubtful the US would allow a successful socialist nation on its border. Even with the many failings of its capitalist economy to provide for everyone, Canada is held up as a bastion of liberalism by US conservatives and liberals alike. To be honest, I am a bit surprised to hear of such poverty existing there, as I had always assumed your safety net system to be much more generous than our own.
What is so frustrating about your story is the fact that the poverty you endured is unnecessary and completely a political choice, not one of economics. Canada’s economic system is very much like that of the US. It has a sovereign fiat currency that is materialized when your Parliament spends into the private sector. That spending is completely independent of taxation or any source of revenue and is only subject to the limitations imposed by real resources.
While your debt isn’t any more real than its counterpart here, it is only denominated in Canadian dollars. Consequently, your nation can never involuntarily default or fail to pay any obligation also denominated in Canadian dollars. This means it can “afford” anything that is potentially available priced in the currency your government creates at will and any misery is a choice your government makes because it wants to.