Conservatism and neo-liberalism have become world wide forces that prey on the peoples' ignorance. When someone who doesn't have any money forms a view of economics money becomes the focus. This makes them susceptible to many myths and outright lies that keep them dependent upon those who have money in abundance.
The money used in different economies isn't even a real thing, but only a measure of real things that enables a logical commerce. Economics is all about the things money can purchase, not the money itself, but if the wealthy can convince the larger society otherwise they can leverage their money into power and more money. This deception is critical in countries with a democratic governing system where the people can take back that power with their votes. It is the reason the wealthy have enlisted politicians and our media so universally.
If the people ever discovered that their suffering was the result of that deception and the wholesale purchase of our society by the wealthy the results might go beyond the ballot box and not be pretty. ANY suffering that can be mitigated with money in any economy with a sovereign fiat currency (almost all modern nations) is entirely a political choice made by those, wittingly or unwittingly, owned by the wealthy but elected by the people. As long as the people see the wealthy as their superiors who control their economies their lot will only worsen.