Democratic socialism is not only a poor electoral strategy — it’s a disastrous governing model.
Because returning control of government to the people and creating an economy that benefits them with proper direction of the money Congress creates (by mandate of our Constitution) is terrible strategy?
The wealthy and their neoliberal political lapdogs (not insinuating) have proven over a generation that they do not have our best interests in mind, so depending upon them to regulate themselves and distribute the currency that enables their wealth as “job creators” is a falsehood. It is easier, and more rewarding for some, to go to them with hat in hand begging for a pittance, but the best years of our nation were not the result of politicians begging. They were the result of courageous and forward thinking that said: “I welcome their hatred” and acted accordingly.
This generation of Americans is far more productive than the generation that won WWII and built the middle class, but they see far less for their efforts. One does not “work with” fascists and profiteers of misery. They must be defeated or they will defeat democracy, which has always been their end game. Fence sitters will not fare well with this new generation that sees a future without hope if they don’t assert their strength in numbers. They understand, possibly better than you, the difference between capitalism and oligarchy/fascism is in who controls their government, and they will assure it is themselves.