Does anyone really buy that your think tank is even remotely “progressive”?Linking to radical right-wing publications, such as “Daily Beast” is going to blow your cover there.
The advantage that the federal government has is the monopoly patent on the US dollar in any issue that the states have in common, such as education. This is the fly in the ointment for state’s rights true believers, which is why they refuse to acknowledge the power it gives the federal government since we ditched the limitation of the gold standard.
There is only one “net” source of the currency that all states must use, and that source, Congress, can produce it as a cost-free commodity to better our society. It is only constrained by available resources and labor, not revenue, and that fact, like most other facts, will be denied until the end of time by conservatives. It is their Achilles heel in the battle they continually wage against any benefit to the people and the democratic process itself.
The math, and reality in general, are against you. If the people ever realize that any economic suffering or inability to move our nation forward is strictly a political decision having nothing to do with economics or what we can “afford” you might want to buy better locks.