Humans are far too locked into survival mode, even with our current luxurious lifestyles in western nations, to ever consider degrowth as compatible with that survival. Money and economies are products of law and we doomed any hope of achieving degrowth when we allowed the interests of the status quo to dictate those laws and the narrative surrounding them.
Anyone who knows me also knows that I believe in MMT's potential for changing our civilizations and how we approach our relationship with the "real world" we are currently destroying with breakneck speed. They would also note my previous absence in many debates about the topic across social media platforms, including this one.
Killing the messenger, at least figuratively, is still the go-to defense of the status quo, and I'm too old to joust with its windmills at this late stage in life. I've concluded that the Achilles heel of democracy is ----democracy and our only hope is that ourcapitalist society fails before our natural world does. Good luck in your fight though.