I don’t think I’ve ever read anything that is as all over the place as your comment. At least your misunderstandings are bi-partisan. You claim that socialism doesn’t work, but evidence would suggest that it is the only thing that is working currently. Perhaps you could enlighten us about how the monopoly issuer of the nation’s currency can ever “ run out of other peoples hard earned money.” Our problems stem from the people running out of the money that only the government can create, and is required to retire private debt or store value in the economy.
The government is only a net drain of dollars if we don’t allow it to pay us for the resources it uses via deficit spending. Bill Clinton did a lot of harm to the economy, but, perhaps the greatest was done with his budget surpluses. A spreadsheet always has at least two sectors and one cannot realize a surplus in either without a deficit in the other. The government is not a business and should never make a “profit”, as doing so requires the private sector to take a loss. That loss is what made it necessary for the people to use their homes as ATM cards and many economists believe eventually gave us the ’08 crash.