I get the attempt at humor. It isn't your writing at fault, but rather the fact that there is such a fine line between humor and reality in our government and it's difficult to know which is intended at times.
In October Postmaster Louis DeJoy announced he was slowing down the mail.
This was for no discernible reason. Workers weren't laid off, nor were facilities closed. He simply wanted the mail to run slower to hinder mail in voting that would not be favorable to Trump. It was the reason Trump appointed him, but now Biden claims he doesn't have the authority to fire him?? There appears to be no end to the things that Democrats can't do but Republicans can do at will when in power.
Mr. DeJoy also raised the cost of a first-class stamp from $0.55 to $0.58 as of August.
Postal rates are set by Congress, not the USPS. In fact, Congress manages almost all of the daily functioning of the USPS. This is probably all that needs to be said concerning any problems the agency has, including its mandate to "PRE-FUND" its retirement and healthcare benefits for the next 70 years.
It should be noted that the "fund" representing this requirement is "MUTUALLY" shared by our Congresscritters, meaning they benefit considerably from it. This fact is likely the only thing, other than offering private carriers a cheap way to overcome the "last mile" delivery problem they have, currently saving the agency from complete dismantling.
Even with that enormous burden, the agency would have been profitable (somewhat making moot the concept of "service") had the increase been enacted a decade ago. Try getting a quote from a "private" competitor for mailing letters and documents (the part of the business private carriers don't want) across the country to understand how little this price increase means in comparison.
President Biden, if you are reading this could you get rid of Mr. DeJoy and figure out a way of making the U.S. Mail great again?
This would require a dedication to the concept of government "as a service" as it was intended. I'm afraid you are pleading to deaf ears with Biden. He has shown, if nothing else, a dedication to the opposite and follows the neoliberal creed of privatization of all things. It will, at least, enable his goal of bipartisanship in governing with bat chit crazy free market fanatics now comprising most of the RNC and much of the DNC as well.