I had cataracts in both eyes and glaucoma in my right eye. The recommended fix for the glaucoma was a stent that relieved internal pressure. The surgeon inserted the stent too far and then had to remove it. They are not made to be removed once inserted and that caused bleeding into the eyeball and a cyst behind it. The cyst deformed the optic nerve plane, much like bending the film in a camera, and gave me the fun house view of the world that shifts around as I shift focus.
I didn't discover this until about 6 months after the fact because the blood blocked all vision in the eye and had to be removed via a second surgery involving an extremely tiny vacuum hose and another hose to inject fluid. Both were only slightly larger than a hair to minimize the incisions.
After a couple of steroid injections to shrink the cyst, it was determined that some distortion is going to be permanent and will require ongoing steroid eyedrops to prevent it from getting worse. If I can avoid shifting my focus while reading or typing I can manage to somewhat keep things steady in my world and communicate online. It is a strain, however, and is made worse by my tendency toward being verbose.