I have a better solution for child hunger: Ron DeSantis grow a spine and raise taxes on billionaires, like Schwarzman. Then, he can use the extra tax revenue to make sure Floridans don’t starve — what a concept!
This is true at the state level, but not at the federal level where money creation takes place. The federal government is constitutionally mandated to create (coin) the nation's currency to promote "the common welfare" and is never revenue restrained. Since 1934, when we left the gold standard domestically, "ANY" suffering that can be mitigated with federal spending has been entirely a political decision, not economics.
There is nothing inflationary about the poor having enough to eat or shelter, and inflation is the only restraint to federal spending, not the debt or deficits. We should take care of our own and "then" balance the economic power of billionaires with taxation. We should never think of them as a "source" of money that we need to get beforehand. This is framing the argument in the language of the oppressor, which is never wise. Their biggest fear is not taxation. It is becoming irrelevant.