I love my gaming chair, especially the neck and lumbar support pillows. However, after finding I was sitting all wrong for years other problems were made evident. Desk height hasn’t changed since scribes first began ruining their posture hunched over and hoping someone invents the printing press soon.
Once you find your comfort zone in a proper chair you should elevate your monitor so your natural eye level falls within the bottom half of the workspace. Otherwise, you’ll simply waste all of the upper support of the chair by never contacting it. or find yourself suffering headaches from eye strain. This can happen with standing desks also if both keyboard and monitor sections aren’t individually adjustable, forcing you into the “scribe” like hunched over position, only standing.
Also, don’t ignore armrest positioning when choosing a chair. Even people of the same height can find they vary widely in proportion. The armrests should be completely adjustable up and down and for angle so they don’t push your shoulders upward or you’ll quickly find joint and muscle pain in arms, neck, and shoulders.