I read to the part that made anything added moot. I’m old, so I have far less time to waste. Our government, specifically the people’s Congress, was given an exclusive patent on the US dollar and a mandate to create it “for the general welfare”. This means using the budget and currency to serve the economy and production, not the other way around. We have, only fairly recently, decided that any spending by Congress should be balanced by “revenue” via taxation or borrowing. This concept fits well into the budget process of anyone who isn’t the monopoly issuer of a sovereign fiat currency, but sucks big time for the government which is such a currency issuer.
It has given us needless austerity and placed our people at the mercy of bank credit and employers, giving us the lopsided distribution that is currently doing harm to both the people and the environment. An empowered people with funding available to afford anything that is for sale priced in dollars would never have allowed the damage to occur as long as it did if they weren’t daily threatened with the loss of their financial security.
Congress has become so corrupt that it uses its power of the purse to blackmail the people, not support them. Even our Fed monetary policy is aimed at sustaining a 4–5% “stable” of workers involuntarily unemployed to avoid wage increases under the guise of inflation control. Add in institutionalized racism that serves up this delight of mayhem in inequitable fashion for anyone who is first fired and last hired and you produce a tinder keg of self-fulfilling prejudices that provides blame magnets for institutionalized corruption.
Inflation is not even possible in a sovereign fiat currency regime except via commodity shortages or supply chain problems and will only affect those individual commodities, which would rise in price regardless of the money supply. It is more than obvious that Congress and the investment class are working in concert against the people, which should cause us to dust off the guillotines except that the average American can barely balance a checkbook, much less understand a Fed or Treasury report.
Throw in a couple of corrupt political parties making kabuki out of opposition, both hawking the mostly meaningless debt that is nothing more than an accounting entity and you end up with an electorate cheering for its own fiscal demise and thankful to serve their masters.
It is this perverted framework within which “free markets” currently function. Thanks, but no thanks.