I suspect you have no idea what neoliberalism is. And as far as I know it was Nixon who took America off the gold standard.
I am very much aware of what neoliberalism is and it was Nixon that removed us from Bretton-Woods, and by default from that, ending the international gold standard. However, America had been using a fiat currency since FDR ended the convertibility of dollars to gold to recover from the great depression and fund the war effort.
It didn't come with a lot of fanfare that might have created more trouble for the dollar than it already had, but it was never changed following that. None of the New Deal programs would have been possible with the gold standard in place, although America was always quick to suspend it in times of war or natural disaster.
There is everything wrong with the current economic system. It has destroyed both the UK and the US, and it has further increased the poverty gap in South Africa (the greatest in the world). America has the 13th highest inequality gap in the world. And the UK isn't far behind.
If you're looking for a system that is corruption-proof, or carries on automatically in spite of politically unaware voters, good luck with that. Our current economic system is not what was intended by our founders, and certainly not what anyone not wealthy would want, but those are issues resulting from the deceptions and bastardization of politicians and bankers, not the fault of the system.
Read Article 1: Section 8 of the constitution and note that Congress is given a lot of power that it doesn't properly use in the economy. It has the power to tax (the main purpose of which is to force the use of its sovereign currency, not to "fund" anything); the power to regulate commerce between states and in foreign trade, neither of which it pays much attention to (being neoliberals and market-driven in ideology), and the big one; the power to "coin" the nation's currency, along with a mandate to do so "for the common welfare". No mention of balancing budgets or borrowing shortfalls, only a "mandate" to use its sovereign power of currency creation for the public purpose.
Considering that this is the "system" we already have with no need to upset any apple carts except those of the neoliberal and neocons now profiting hugely from America funding its own economy with bank credit while using the powers of congress to shovel money to the military-industrial complex to secure resources around the globe and do so "off the books" (to quote a gaff made by a former President when he told the truth for once) and without audit.
An informal, but meticulous, audit was done on Pentagon spending (we have the receipts) by the University of Michigan economics dept a few years ago and it showed $21+ "TRILLION" in accounted for spending since '80. That roughly matched the national debt that has everyone in Washington's hair on fire around budget time but isn't actually part of that number. I can think of no better proof that Congress can "afford" anything it wishes that exists, or potentially exists, without a dime of revenue to "pay for it". This is in sharp contrast to the considerable rhetoric that surrounds any spending "for the common welfare" that Congress is mandated to do but never challenged for.
This has been the result of neo-liberalism. I suggest you go read what it is about.
Here is what most consider the origin of the neoliberal ideology that is so prevalent today and it fits quite well with the 40+ years of propaganda and deception of the American people in an "all hands on deck" effort by bankers and oligarchs to end the New Deal and any hint of "socialism" that might benefit them, even that which was written into the Constitution which they all claim to have so much reverence for.