I was torn over the subject matter once the decision to clap for it was reached. I decided on 26 as the optimum number. It is more than halfway to the perfection I expect to warrant the maximum number, but not insulting (I hope) to the author.
As a baseline, I would give a single clap to an obvious AI-written piece when English isn't the first language of the AI. On the other end, I would award 50 claps to someone who definitively proved either aliens walk among us or an afterlife.
PS: I only neglect to clap if a story isn't interesting enough to prompt me to read it completely through. If I don't want to invest the time to read it, why would I put in the effort to scroll to the bottom and clap for it out of some need to be socially correct in clapping? Only the negative "thumbs down" system used by YouTube could entice that effort expenditure. I write for money because I'm too lazy to work and too nervous to steal.