I would like to see a Constitutional scholar (Obama) delve into the potential of the house impeaching McConnell as the second focus of its efforts. He has certainly earned the attention considering his total blockade of legislation that he freely admitted to when Obama was elected. He then doubled down on that when he refused to grant hearings to Obama’s SCOTUS pick.
If Pence is complicit in the corruption (which I don’t believe he is smart enough to pull off) and gets thrown under the impeachment bus with Trump look for a full armed rebellion to be mounted against the federal government from the crazy patrol of well-armed bumpkins playing militia before they would recognize President Pelosi. That would, at best, produce some mass graves across the south as the military would be utilized under martial law and would amount to slaughter, but it would put that dog out finally.
As Trump comes under more pressure he will, as he has done in the past, use the specter of civil war to protect himself. Moving on McConnell could put out that fuse, or the reverse, but it should be done. He has done more to destroy our Constitutional checks and balances than anyone alive and has made himself extremely wealthy in the process. One simply doesn’t accumulate that level of wealth on a federal salary honestly, but then we would likely have to look at Pelosi as well.
If we broadly define corruption in our government, as we should for our public servants, Bernie might not even have to run for President, as he would likely be the only remaining member of Congress to accept the position by default.