If government is not meant to be a force to protect the masses from the extremely powerful, why do we have it at all?
This is the reason behind the insurrection and libertarian thought in general. However, those who have seen anarchy first hand know that we aren't at a point of no return yet for our government and social contracts. That said, much of what our society believes will have to be refuted and some established principles will need to be revamped before we can move forward again. Most of that revamping will have to come from our basic concept of money and how it works.
I believe that the events following the '08 great recession have broken through the enormous firewall of false propaganda the wealthy have built around themselves and their wealth. It is dawning on even the least capable thinkers, after multiple rounds of QE and bailouts, that our government supplies the money in the economy and that it has become the tool of the oligarchs in their insatiable quest for more.
Once the people understand the power of their own fiat currency and see that "any" suffering in this rich nation is entirely a political decision to motivate their compliance, the Jan 6th insurrection may be dwarfed in a "real" rebellion of the common people. What divides us is always our enemies, not each other, and should be people actually view their current representatives as such in unison the end may not be pretty, or bloodless. Those representatives are overconfident in our inability to find such common cause and it may spell their doom, regardless of party affiliation.