If she merely manages to move the dialogue away from the budget and toward best utilizing available resources she will have accomplished earth-shaking change in Washington. As long as our government, the source of our money, restricts its possibilities to what it can “collect” and pay for our downward spiral will continue.
The US dollar is a no-cost commodity that Congress is Constitutionally mandated to create “for the common welfare”, but denying this and framing all economic discussion in “household budget” terms has provided the right wing supply siders with an almost impenetrable firewall to prevent any spending for the public purpose.
Dollars are never scarce for the monopoly creator of them and our fiat sovereign currency guarantees that America can never fail to pay any obligations denominated in dollars and can always afford anything priced in dollars. If America ever figures out that dollars don’t grow on rich people and that the “budget” is nothing more than one half of the balance sheet of the economy that should be almost constantly in deficit there will be an almost universal turnover in Congress.
If the economy actually worked as supply-siders claim the wealthy would be military doves and demanding more domestic spending. They know how it works. They just don’t want us to know because we might start demanding nice things like other countries have from our government.