If the establishment DNC had shown any ability to win the hearts and minds of voters it might be conceivable that they could pick a better candidate than Bernie for the general election against Trump. However, they have only shown failure by design as their agenda over decades and that has resulted in the “party of the people” losing all but a fingerhold on the governing process and a nation poised on the precipice of outright fascism.
However badly the establishment wants to hang the failure of their previous horrible choice on Bernie’s supporters, the fact remains that Donald f’n Trump was able to position himself as the “lesser evil” by campaigning to the left of their queen bee “sure thing” candidate on every issue except immigration. Thinking about the positions Trump took on issues critical to the people, primarily economics and foreign policy, can only lead one to understand that “HE” was the more progressive choice in the general election.
Ya, he lied his ass off, but that doesn’t change the fact that Hillary didn’t have a defense against his accusations because most of them were undeniable. If a Democrat can’t manage to attack Donald f’n Trump successfully from the left the party has lost all claims of being “for the people” and should just merge with the fascist GOP. Bernie is offering the party the only remaining lifevest on a sinking ship and it would be foolish for it not to grab it while it can.