If the government creates its currency to deploy resources in the private sector but then leaves no payment in the private sector, clawing it all back via taxation, it “steals” those resources. The fetish for balanced budgets is misdirected projection of our own relationship with money and has no real context where it can be applied to the currency-issuing government. The government neither has nor doesn’t have “money”, as it creates it on demand and is not limited in doing so. It doesn’t “need” our money to enable its spending on the common welfare, but it often needs us to have less of it and it always needs us to need it to pay taxes.
Once one understands that taxation only reduces the debt that the money was created from and can’t also be recycled for new spending it becomes easier to grok. I know of no accounting system anywhere in banking that allows money to serve double use, but that is the commonly accepted myth.