I'm listening, and this is what I hear.
I am not in a position to judge the chances of this happening, but it could happen.
This also stands out.
I am not a medical researcher, so I may well be mistaken in some details.
I do know that, without vaccines, Covid19 proved very deadly to hundreds of thousands in America and millions more around the globe. No medical treatment is without risks, but in the case of pandemics one must accept some risk as the better choice than doing nothing and letting the virus rampage through the population as this one did at the onset.
Thankfully, in spite of the best efforts of Trump and his followers, we "DO" have medical researchers who are in a position of qualification to judge the consequences of such actions. By admission, you have not claimed to be among those, so you owe me 8 minutes of time. I'll not charge you for the time taken to write this response. You're welcome.