It is quite difficult to gain an understanding of anything when most sources begin with a falsehood that then distorts anything that follows from that. Studying economics from the perspective of scarce money (gold standard) and abundant resources (trickle down) only serves to encourage people to advocate for their own economic demise with a procession of econ boogie men dredged up to provide bumps in the night should the people ever realize their government can do much more to benefit them and society.
I would strongly recommend "The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy" by Dr. Stephanie Kelton. You might recognize her name from Sen. Sanders Presidential campaign or her work as advisor to the Senate Budget Committee.
Dr. Kelton presents her work in language not mired in false assumptions and prevailing propaganda so it is quite readable by anyone with a basic understanding of simple spreadsheet accounting. She backs her statements with a deep knowledge of government finance and its processes that represent years of work while making those transparent through her ability to communicate with simple language and examples.