It should provide for the general welfare. To me, this means guarantees of food, medicine, water, housing, and a decent amount of disposable cash.
Article 1: Section 8 gives Congress the control of the nation's purse strings and "MANDATES" that it create the currency for "the common welfare". All of the artificially imposed barriers to this that benefit the wealthy must be stricken down.
We dumped the gold standard when it became obvious that our trade status was soon to be reversed, but there is still the requirement to issue Treasury bonds for any deficit spending and the often misunderstood debt limit that serves no purpose beyond imparting a false concept around our nation's funding.
Treasury bonds (and taxation) are not "funding mechanisms" for the spending of Congress and any politician that promotes the idea they are should be required to take a remedial econ course that "truthfully" teaches how our nation is funded. The answer to "How will you pay for it?" should always be "By kicking your sorry a#^ out and electing someone who will never ask that question."