It's important to note that much of Republicans' success in limiting or cutting our safety nets are due to "prefunding" of those programs. Any such program that is "funded" by payroll deductions or budget limitations quickly overwhelms their funding and then becomes fodder for dishonest propaganda and finger pointing.
Prefunding a program, even Social Security or Medicare, at the federal level isn't even possible and only provides beneficiaries with a legal entitlement to benefits. Those benefits can then be whittled down to make them ineffective to their original purpose. As the benefits become less impactful to the quality of life of beneficiaries the reliance upon private employers is solidified and labor becomes more subservient to capital.
There is no "trust fund" for any federal program that actually contains money to "fund" future benefits. Those contributions were directly and immediately applied to the debt and cannot survive to "fund" anything, leaving that to future spending by Congress that neither needs nor uses revenue. Only in a nation as econ illiterate as the US is could such a blow be wielded against the working class by reducing its immediate spending power while also providing an excuse to limit its future benefits to "pay for" that reduction.