It's interesting that none of the comments here made mention of the real reason the GOP, and most establishment Dems want so badly to defeat AOC. She is a trained economist and extremely smart. She is also well versed in how the Treasury and Fed interact and how money is created and destroyed.
You will never hear her ask "How will you pay for it?" because she knows exactly how our government pays for things, and it isn't via taxation or borrowing. If the people discover that they can have nice things like other, far less affluent, countries take for granted the "fiscal conservatives" will lose every election for a generation, along with the bribes they now take for perpetuating a myth.
She, like Dr. Kelton, Bernie's econ advisor, is very well versed in MMT, and she has the presence and intellect to communicate it in a way that the "less educated" can understand. She is about as "socialist" as Eisenhower was, but she knows what is possible and that it doesn't equate to the standard econ narrative or the left over assumptions from the gold standard that politicians have used for decades to avoid the gallows while they get rich.