I’ve often compared Hillary to the Schultz character Pigpen, but instead of walking around with a cloud of dust she has a swirl of corruption, war, disaster, and even death that follows her. I mean, do you even know of as many people who have committed suicide as those close to the Clintons who have?? They have made suicided an actual term.
There was some talk of her being Biden’s pick as VP and all I could think was “So long Joe.” I would not want to be between Hillary and the Presidency for even a minute. The mob connections and criminal suspicion surrounding the Clintons have been well known in political circles since his early days as Governer. They are either corrupt grifters without limit, or the biggest victims of coincidence in history. Take your pick, but she herself once told us not to suspend our disbelief.
The phrase “private and public positions” perfectly described her morality while serving in any office she held. Like Trump, one could never know from anything she said what she might actually do. While the world was finally becoming aware of climate change she was selling fracking and chemical ag products from her Secretary of State positions and taking any offered money to her foundation. I’ve known many people who would rather make a dishonest dollar than a million honest ones, and she, even more than her husband, or Trump, fits that profile. As bad as Trump is, I can’t shake the feeling that we dodged a bullet in ‘16.