Lauren Boebert is a product of institutional failure. Period. Her rise is a mere byproduct of a nation full of people who have lost faith in any of our institutions, and their ability to benefit us.
This makes her a perfect representative for the GOP and its voting base. The nation's conservative faction has been covertly erroding the federal government's ability to benefit the people since the civil war. The only reason a conservative wants to hold a federal office is to defund and undermine the federal government.
This is done both in legislation and political rhetoric and plays on the ignorance of voters. Boebert doesn't have to be smart to sign pre-drafted legislation that dismantles the government's ability to tax and regulate commerce as it is Constitutionally mandated to do. The ideal description of our federal government in the eyes of conservatives is a cash cow able to generate unlimited risk prevention for business while offering nothing of substantial value to the working class. Its failure to enact its Constitutional mandate for the people is the best recruitment tool the right has.