Many who know my political leaning will find my approval of your message somewhat confusing. If I have any real objection to your words it would be that they are too focused on your party's culpability in our current state of division and not presenting enough blame for the opposition’s abandonment of its core principles in FDR’s new deal in favor of the totally market based neoliberalism, which is actually capitalism on steroids.
We surely differ in our concept of the Constitutional role of the federal government, especially in economics, but any compromise we might find would surely be more equitable than what either party would now agree to and more likely to preserve the reward for working and doing the right thing. One cannot avoid rushing into corporate fascism with the “opposition” pushing (pulling?) you along covertly with goals for the endgame far beyond what defines Constitutional conservatism based on the rights endowed by virtue of simply being human and the preservation of America.