Mathew 7:19-20
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Anyone who can claim, without laughter, that anything about Trump or his followers "brings forth good fruit" should be committed. The concept that the buffoonish con man was "sent by God" only displays how far over the top of any reality these people are.
That goes doubly for the Christian leadership in this country that have literally sold their souls (if they really believe they have one) into service for the GOP. The fact that the GOP even exists after the disgrace of Trump and McConnell for four years is remarkable enough, but that it could come even within contestable margins in '20 is mind blowing.
Trump stated that he could shoot someone down in the street in full view of witnesses and not lose any support. I believe the GOP may actually be that corrupt/stupid. God (or whatever you believe in) help our country.