Most economies in the world are "sovereign currency issuers", meaning they are not revenue restrained in their ability to create and spend new currency into existence. In fact, they must create their currency in the private economy before it is available to be collected as a tax payment One simply cannot collect what doesn't yet exist.
In any consumption based economy the primary function of the individual is consumer. It is the job of their government to provide the means for them to fulfill that function, mainly with the distribution of currency that allows for the highest velocity/number of exchanges of currency for goods and services. The higher the velocity of money within the economy, the greater the demand for those goods and services.
While no one would suggest lavishing luxury goods on unskilled labor, it is important to recognize that the natural flow of money in any economy is toward those in the investment class and that concentrating distribution at that point actually stifles their contribution. When one has all the available net money in circulation there is nothing to gain from further investing. Protection of wealth then becomes of primary concern, which is best assured with financial instruments. not productive job creation and industry.