No one ever talks about the other effect higher rates have on the economy; shoveling more money from the federal government (not taxpayers) to the investor class via higher bond returns. Instead, most political pundits (passing themselves off as "economists or other experts) will wait until the budget is the topic de jure before noticing that the rate hikes will mean more trillions in money creation and demand cuts to public purpose spending so their sponsors can be served best.
The unwashed masses, in their delusion surrounding federal finance and spending, will resort to their fierce support of their own financial demise and demand "fiscal restraint". This means that the nation's GDP will be mostly funded with private sector lending at the higher rates that "must" be repaid, opposed to federal money creation that only transfers wealth to consumers to enable them to purchase the productivity of corporations that their labor largely contributes to.
Our government's support of neoliberal policies (trickle down) has effectively destroyed the middle class and is now nothing more than murder by proxy of anyone who can't, or won't, contribute to the harvest of our resources into the clutches of the financial elites who have purchased our representatives. Even organized resistance to this ultimate fascist goal is controlled and directed by those who would most profit from its continuation and the scapegoat for suffering is the federal government, the one entity that has the ability to mitigate and reverse the damage done.