No one who wears the "socialist" label, democratic or otherwise, will ever be elected to the Presidency in this econ ignorant country. Republicans would love to see him on the party ballet to make their win a landslide. All they would need is Bernie's picture with "socialist" splashed across it, in spite of the fact that likely less than one in ten Americans can accurately define what that is. Here's a clue: it's none of the stuff Bernie was advocating, which is nothing more than providing some value to the people from their government.
America is so f'n exceptional that we can't have any of the basic rights of citizenship other countries take for granted, and we're damn proud of it. If I was only ten years younger I'd "exceptional" my ass to anywhere else in the modern world an let this hole wallow in its ignorance until the rest of the world finds it necessary to root out the evil of fascism again.