Numbers do not lie, but liars sure make use of them effectively. The term "liars" can be construed to mean both intentional deceivers and useful idiots, but their impact is the same if they are believed.
One has to start with the basic meaning of "money" to understand macro-econ. Money is nothing but a system originating in law for measuring the value of resources and enabling their deployment in the economy. Money, most often, is issued by the governing authority and denominated in the same unit of measure as is demanded by that authority in payment of taxes. This enables the issuing authority to create money on demand to provision itself and any spending programs it approves without requiring it to have a "revenue" stream.
Beyond driving a "need" for the currency in commerce and regulating the amount of currency in circulation, such a "currency issuing" authority has no use for its own currency, either collected or borrowed. This makes all analysis of the relative value/condition of an individual economy based on its revenue/deficit balance moot. A+ for effort tho.