“He has lived his life, he considers certain things a resource, that he has worked across the aisle. That’s what he was saying.”
Pelosi is cut from the same neoliberal cloth as Biden. Both have contributed to the rapid slide to the extreme right our nation has experienced. It’s one thing to accept slightly less than one desire in appropriations for a worthwhile cause, but it’s another to give any such credibility to “ANY” infringement on the people’s rights.
The last two Democratic Presidents, Clinton and Obama, both gave far more to the right wing ideologues than they received in reciprocating considerations. As a result, our economy has been decimated and social injustice is now the norm. Nazis are now “very fine people” and the victims of our neoliberal imperialism are denied sanctuary and assumed “rapists and criminals” simply because of their race.
We did not get here without leaving a trail, and that trail leads through many years of opportunities to change course, or at least to stand ground. Instead, the left capitulated to its death by a thousand cuts in the name of “bipartisanship”, as if evil can be negotiated away. From Clinton’s rampant deregulation to Obama’s “Social Security is on the table”, the left has shown its weakness while the racist, homophobic, warmongering, oligarch worshiping right has advanced its agenda over the top of that weakness.
Lines in the sand are obliterated by wind, waves, and elections, but lines set in stone are long durable. We need many more non-negotiable lines in stone that define who we are as Americans and humans. For Biden to “work across the aisle” he would have to be negotiating with the left, because he is solidly neoliberal, as is Pelosi.