In 2018, Democrats showed that we know how to win in these key midwestern states, even with progressive female candidates.
Remove the word “even” and this becomes much more accurate. Democratic leadership knows how to win, they just don’t want to. America has assumed that Democrats represent opposition to all of the conservative trickle down nonsense of Republicans and that assumption has paved the way for third-way neoliberals to gain power in the party.
Neoliberalism isn’t new. It has its roots as far back as Carter and is not any friend to the working class. Clinton stepped up the game for third-way and put our economy on its knees in the process by giving conservatives a clear path to their fascist end game via deregulation. Obama certainly did his part by cutting programs aimed at benefiting the people and shoveling all public money to “markets” while telling the people the government was broke.
The monopoly issuer of the nation’s currency, Constitutionally mandated to issue it “for the general welfare”, cannot go broke or fail to pay any obligation denominated in dollars regardless of “revenue”. The people “DO NOT” fund their government. The government “FUNDS” the people, and reversing the perception of this reality has been the major driving force for both neoliberalism and trickle down economics. The propaganda concerning our monetary system has been pervasive and, to my knowledge, only two house representatives and Sen Sanders understand our economic reality.
The opposition to Sen Sanders and other progressive within the DNC is not about electability or winning elections. It is about continuing the grand lie of all time that will be the foundation of our eventual fascism that now appears the goal of both major parties. The DNC would, naturally like to be in power, but not at the cost of their fascist agenda that they share with Republicans.