Republicans are also afraid that the policies of the Fed and Congress in mitigating the effects of COVID19 on our economy will bring to light the many inconsistencies surrounding our monetary system. If the people understood that borrowing is not an actual "funding" mechanism for federal spending they might question the whole "kitchen table budget" morality Republicans depend upon to maintain power.
Should the people figure out that Congress, not business, banks, or workers, is the sole source of US dollars it isn't a big jump to figuring out that "ANY" suffering or lacking that can be mitigated with dollars is entirely a political decision, not economics, the Republicans can kiss most of their voter appeal goodbye. Trickle down is already failed, but the GOP base is reluctant to admit it.
Democrats have an opportunity to offer much more to the people than "we are not _____" in contrast to the horribleness of Republicans. Will Biden take the shot? It wouldn't be consistent with his neoliberal leanings, but it could cement a favorable place in history for him. His supporters have moved from "bipartisan" Joe to the next FDR. That would be a reach too far, but it might just get into his head.