So long as these entities can see some short term benefit to their bottom lines as a result of this suffering, they’re going to continue to maintain it for as long as they possibly can.
Americans aren't going to realize the benefits that should be theirs by the authority of our Constitution until they can admit that they are at war with the elite class and oligarchs. This may not be possible without a bloody revolution, but it can't even begin until the half of Americans that falsely believe they are capitalists understand their own monetary system and economics surrounding "their" currency.
This war is not anything new, and may even date back before our nation's founding. It is the same evil thread that runs through the timeline and gave us slavery and indentured servitude, as well as every recession/depression in our history. It begins with the falsehood that our money is something finite and that it grows naturally on rich people, which is the foundation of capitalism.
Until Americans can understand that the US dollar is a product of law and "THEIR" government, not capitalism, they will lose this battle without a shot being fired because of their basic misunderstanding of economics. Their enemies, the wealthy capitalists and the government they purchased, understand it completely.
Their government may now be so hopelessly corrupted by the oligarchy that this will never happen, but I would like to think we, collectively, are smart enough to see through the false rhetoric of the media and those who stand to gain from it to hold our representatives accountable. The needless suffering in this very rich country is an embarrassment and its only purpose is to suppress labor's demands to further profits.