That’s a tough question to answer at this point in the election process as it will hinge entirely on the actions of the DNC toward Bernie and who the ultimate nominee is. 2020 shows signs of being a repeat of 2016 if one of the neoliberal third way candidates is pre-selected and shoved on us. Right now, that appears to be Biden, and I can tell you without qualification that I will stay home, or vote Green party as I did in ’16, if that is the case.
What you are missing in your black and white, Dem v Republican, world is that over 40% of voters are neither and owe their votes to no one. Only ’08 beat the record of Dem new registrations in ’16 as many Independents joined the party in closed primary states to cast their vote for Bernie. Even those who didn’t bother to change their registration back after Bernie’s loss feel no obligation to follow the “party line”, or any line that goes against their better judgment.
The fact is that more Bernie supporters voted for Hillary in ’16 than Hillary supporters voted for Obama in ’08. It was Bernie’s campaign team that warned Hillary that their polling showed her to be in trouble in some rust belt states she neglected to campaign in, but she opted to go to high dollar fundraisers instead.
It has been said that campaigns give voters an advance preview of how a candidate will manage the job they are vying for. Surely Hillary, in her long career in politics, understood the electoral college map. Her losses in the states that gave Trump the win were so marginal that had she adopted even one of Bernie’s popular platform issues instead of stubbornly plowing through for her corporate donors she would be President right now.
This simple fact blows your theory of “Bernie Bros” costing her the election out of the water. Shame on us for wanting our government to work for us instead of deep pocket donors, right? It’s our fault that she accumulated the worst record of corruption and chaos surrounding her of any candidate in history, right? It’s our fault that Trump managed to beat her from her left except for immigration because of her long record of being wrong for everyone except her corporate donors, right? Give it a rest.