The ability to levy taxes and spend without constraint are connected, as they should be. However, that has been perverted in popular opinion to mean that the government must balance its accounts or degrade the currency.
The need to "pay for" its spending by taxing money out of the private sector belies the reality that the federal government is the sole monopoly "issuer" of the currency and projects the illusion that it must "find" currency to spend on the public purpose. Taxation serves many functions in managing our economy, but none of those are to "fund" federal spending, as it does for states and any entity that isn't a currency issuer.
Realizing this reality of our federal government (firmly baked into our Bill of Rights, Article 1: Section 8, which mandates currency creation for the general welfare separate from taxation) would mean that "ANY" suffering that can be mitigated by creating currency to address it is entirely a "political decision" and not economics. This would completely change how voters view their government as a force for good and send the seditious carnival barkers and economic doomsayers back into the shadows of conspiracy where they belong.