The average American voter has very little grasp on economics and political history that might enable them to vote in their own best interest. The influence that President Obama still has on Democratic politics is a direct result of that ignorance. Prior to Trump, Obama was the most Wall St friendly President in our history and oversaw the largest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy in the history of the world.
Obama’s choice of Biden was nothing except a signal to those wealthy overlords that they had nothing to worry about from the first black President. Few Democrat voters noticed this, as the focus was entirely on electing the very charismatic black politician to the White House, but those of us not entranced by the Clinton Presidency knew what it meant as soon as he announced his first cabinet choices. The neoliberal takeover of the Democratic party was complete and the fact that it was a black President to usher in the demise of all progressive values in the US was just irony that only the wealthy could truly enjoy.