The CBO, whether it states the truth or sticks to the very narrow script Congress has allowed it, projecting deficit/debt, cannot present a true picture if it is viewing the economy through the wrong end of the binocular.
Is it that hard to figure out that every dollar created by Congress in the private sector above tax collection becomes someone's financial asset? Since tax collection must be applied to the debt that created the dollars collected as a first-order process the concept of taxation "funding" spending is false. This isn't even at econ 101 level. It's simple dual entry spreadsheet accounting.
As we edge closer to the holy grail of politicians, the balanced budget, less money is created and more is removed from the private sector. This creates a real bargain for the government that effectively steals the resources and labor it uses. It also creates a hardship for anyone who thinks they want to net retire private sector bank debt or net save for their future. Only money created by deficit spending at the federal level can do either without incurring more private-sector debt.
The average guy on the street doesn't think in terms of "currency-creator" because it doesn't resonate with his own budget process. In fact, if you tell him that Congress can create as much money as it wants to you'll likely piss him off royally. He might even parlay his ignorance into an attempted coup on Congress someday.