The disparity between urban and rural states concerning tax revenue and federal expense is a bit of a myth. Rural states tend to be red and urban states tend to be blue. That has more to do with the cultural differences and the roles each plays in the economy than any significant "support" of one from the other.
Rural states are still very agrarian, growing the food for all of us. This requires far less human labor than it ever has in the past, so people migrated to cities to find employment as corporate farms were able to purchase family farms and apply newer technologies to farming. Unless the people in the cities give up eating, they will need those farms and the people who work them.
A higher density of population means more taxation paid to the federal government. Farming has been subsidized by the federal government for many years, resulting in federal payments to farmers and suppliers of necessary chemicals and equipment.
If one simply applies a direct comparison to those it appears that bluer urban areas "fund" redder rural areas, but the reality is that the urban areas benefit with more variety of food products at greatly reduced prices. Those rural areas also account for the lion's share of exported products that make our imported goods cheaper by leveling the trade deficit and providing a reason for our trading partners to want US dollars.
Keep in mind that I am a confirmed leftist politically and also object to the right wing's desire to impose their backward standards on us. However, even if taxes paid for government spending, which they don't, the politicization of the difference between the amounts of that spending each receives is not productive because they are apples and oranges.
Our federal government is the sole net issuer of US dollars, and as such, it should be assuring all of us a dignified income level with benefits that allow us to achieve the guarantees of our Constitution. The politics of the red states and their preferred party is the primary deterrent to that and they should be called out for that at every opportunity. It should be done factually and in proper context though.