The DNC would be wise not to get in the way of the selection process and the superdelegates should consider which candidate will draw the most independent voters, but I’m sure it will protect its neoliberal wing again and nominate another market capitalist, like Warren. Hillary still has too much control in the party and people simply don’t realize the damage she and her husband have done to America by chasing deep-pocket donors and placing the people second to their ambitions.
Warren has integrated Bernie’s overwhelmingly popular platform into her campaign, but with a “free market” twist to each of its facets. This is what is wrong with our current healthcare system and you can’t fix a problem with the same methodology that created it. Some things are better accomplished by markets, but many things aren’t and healthcare is one that market forces can only do damage to.
Another good example of such is banking. There is no reason the monopoly issuer of our currency needs banking to be such a driving force in our economy. Bernie fully understands that creating the currency “for the common welfare” is a Constitutional mandate to Congress (Article 1: Section 8) and that deficits are “required” for any economy that allows such extreme wealth accumulation and trade deficits, both of which are “drains” on the money supply.
Eventually, a balanced budget will leave all currency in the hands of the extremely wealthy and foreign governments with the US population dependent totally upon private bank debt, but with no way to retire that debt. Such an economy is forced to grow constantly to roll over private debt or fall into more frequent and deeper recessions. Our private sector debt has soared to dangerous levels since the Clinton administration and even the great recession didn’t teach politicians anything about the danger of relying on monetary policy (interest rates) alone. A growing economy and population simply need a larger net money supply that only Congress can create via deficit spending.
Republicans are never bashful about increasing deficits and debt because they understand basic macroeconomics much better than Democrats. They only use fear of debt, using household budget analogies, as a tactic to enlist the people in cutting their own benefits derived from their government and make them more subservient to employers. The Constitutionally authorized monopoly issuer of our US dollar functions nothing like our households or states. We can never “go broke” or fail to pay any obligation denominated in the US dollar, making any misery in this wealthy nation entirely a political choice. I’m afraid Warren doesn’t fully understand government finance in spite of her knowledge of banking. They are not the same.