" The economist in me calls it a budget constraint. Hidden in that vision for renewal is the idea that America can only invest so much — how much? Precisely the amount that can be raised through taxes on the rich, corporations, and so on."
The economist in you is very close to understanding the root of the problem our nation faces in financing a just society. If you would simply adjust your vision to the reality that our democratically elected government is the only source of US dollars and that it faces no constraints beyond available resources and labor you would finally "get it".
Much like Senator Sanders, your hatred for the wealthy is empower to them. As long as we continue to view the private sector as the only means to increase wealth or serve the public purpose we will continue to lose the "pay for" argument at every front.
America's sovereign fiat currency means that "paying for" government programs at the federal level is no more complicated than Congress passing legislation to approve spending. Attempting to gather tax revenue (an oxymoron) is counterproductive except to accomplish social goals and make some wealthy people less wealthy. The US dollar is self funding when it is created and needs no "funding".