The fear of any spending on the public purpose by our federal government, the monopoly issuer of our currency, is supported by almost every politician and media pundit in America. For some it is just laziness and not wanting to evaluate the merits of spending bills, but for most it is part of a large concerted effort to do just what this article claims it does.
This fear is mostly generated by an econ illiteracy that is unique to America and assumes that only government spending can create inflation. The illiterate consider inflation to be worse than starving children or millions not able to afford healthcare so CEOs can make hundreds of times the income of their workers. This unwise voter support of antigovernmental rhetoric and thinking ignores completely the eight to ten times what government spends in currency creation by bank loans.
Americans would actually rather fund their own economy and pay interest on that than allow their government to perform its primary function of providing for the general welfare of its citizens. This cruelty is inexcusable and nothing short of murder by proxy, especially when evidence of it being unnecessary is easily available to anyone who can understand basic accounting principals.